Thursday, March 29, 2007


Works In Progress (WIPs). Ah, that brings back warm memories of Accounting 211. Or, well...memories anyway.

I have a few projects on hold until after The Deluge of Baby Bibs ebbs.

The first involves two small floral pieces that I found tucked into a book almost completed. I'm not sure why I stashed them without finishing them, but I'm glad I found them! They're for my daughter but I haven't decided what to do with them yet. I'm leaning toward making one a hanging door plate with her name and sewing the other onto a small bag.

The second project is a baby quilt for my daughter. Both of my children already have beautiful Hawaiian quilts made for them by their Nana. But, I'd also like a patchwork quilt for my daughter with a few cross stitched squares. Unfortunately, I do not quilt or own a sewing machine. But, I'm starting with the cross stitched squares and will cross the quilting bridge when I come to it. :)

I originally intended to do her initials, but the letters are smaller than I thought and I may end up doing her whole first name. I got about halfway done with this letter then realized I didn't have one color that I needed for the next section.

So, I moved onto the next letter and got a very small section done before I needed to get cracking on those baby gifts.

I'm finishing up the last of the gifts and will start working on getting these WIPs on to FGs and eventually COGS (well COGGs). And I thought I'd never use Accounting in real life...


Fashion Critic said...

OH MY GOD Jen...I was a Cross Stitch Queen. My mother taught me when I was around 12 years old and I was so amazed that I could make it look like the picture. I will take it up again one day and make birthday cards and stuff to sell on ebay.

Jennifer said...

When you do, I want to be the first to know!!

Anonymous said...

Those letters look like they are going to be gorgeous! I love love love the butterflies on there!