Thursday, April 19, 2007

Big A, Little Progress

I've done a little more stitching on the A. Not a lot as I've been tutoring every night this week. I really love the colors in this one. But, I'm not happy about how the blue stitches in the butterfly look very x-ey. There's no backstitching on that area in the design, but I think I'm going to have to add some to tone down the Frankenstein vibe.

Next, I need to finish up the butterfly, add some leaves, backstitch and then this one will be done! Now, I'm starting to have to think about how on Earth I'm going to get these into a quilt. :P I'm going to try to find a quilter in my area to sew the stitching and other patches together - I'll do the cutting. Any thoughts on what would be a reasonable price for me to offer...?


Dani - tkdchick said...

Jennifer, your A is filling in nicely.

As for the questions you left me. Stitching "over one" can only be done on linen or even weave. Its a tiny stitch done over one thread of the weave of the fabric. Normally when you stitch on linen you stitch over two. That means from where you bring the needle up in the fabric you count over two fabric threads and up two fabric threads before you put the needle back through the fabric to make the first half of your x.

As for BAP's (Big A$$ Projects) I like to stitch them one page at a time. Depending on the design, like noah's sub I backstitched whenever I can. With a project like the Castle I've been BSin as I finish the stitching on each page

Dawn T. said...

The A is looking great!

Jennifer said...

Thank you both!

tkdchick - Ok, thanks! I appreciate the schooling. :) And I LOVE BAP! lol!

Atoxicsparkle said...

This is so pretty Jen! I can't wait to see the finished, quilted project!!